What is CBD and how will it                                benefit your massage clients?


Author:  brenda j. eaden


What is CBD?
There is plenty of research and information readily available on CBD and its origin and uses.  Let me share some of the basics to give you an overall understanding.

CBD is short for cannabidiol.  It is just one of many different compounds known as cannabinoids found in the cannabis plant.

CBD from the Cannabis sativa plant is one of the phytochemicals that we’ve come to understand further, and with its positive influence on mind and body, CBD is emerging as a botanical superstar.  The cannabis plant has been used intuitively as a plant medicine by cultures around the world for centuries.


What are cannabinoids?

Cannabinoids are active compounds produced by all cannabis plants.  They account for most of the benefits of cannabis.  Cannabinoids founds in plants are called phytocannabinoids.

There are two commonly known phytocannabinoids.  One is called Full-Spectrum CBD and the other type is Broad-Spectrum CBD.  These phytocannabinoids work in concert with the body’s endocannbinoid  (ECS) system which promotes homeostatis.



What is the difference between Full-Spectrum & Broad-Spectrum CBD?

Full-Spectrum  CBD is derived from hemp and contains many cannabinoids beyond only CBD including THC which is the psychoactive chemical found in marijuana.  Full-Spectrum CBD also contains other elements of the hemp plant, including naturally occurring terpenes, essential vitamins, fatty acids, proteins, and more.

Users feeling they need Full-Spectrum CBD products prior to employment screening are cautioned as they run the risk of showing positive for THC in drug tests which may pose a problem for those requiring testing for a variety of reasons.

As for Broad-Spectrum CBD, it is CBD that has been extracted from the cannabis plant with all of the other compounds found in Full-Spectrum EXCEPT it contains <.03% of THC.  You will learn that products containing this trace amount of THC also has no psychoactive effects on users and will not show positive for THC on drug tests.

How will CBD benefit your massage clients?
When consulting with clients coming to you for massages, of course you know,  they also have varying needs.  Many may want to add a “luxury” massage as part of their day spa visit to relax and alleviate tension while others opt for a deep massage to enhance their level of relief due to tight muscle intensity and associated discomfort. This is when CBD may become your best friend as it will assist in helping your clients experience a more beneficial massage.
Many find CBD helps muscles more readily relax than normally experienced from a typical massage oil.  Simply said, this may result in your clients experiencing an improved massage outcome.

Additionally, there is a duo benefit for you as well!  As the client’s muscles begin to loosen up during the massage, you may find you may need to exert less pressure on your client possibly resulting in less stress on your hands, arms, and upper shoulders.  If feeling muscle strain and tightness due to performing massage therapy treatments, use of the Energe’ Botanicals Deep Penetrating CBD Massage Oil may provide additional relief and relaxation.

If your discomfort persists, you may also want to try the Energe’ Botanicals CBD Topical Rub (PRC) Crème to assist in providing relief. Consider adding it to your daily work self-care routine.


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